
Site Assessments
- Phase I & Phase II Environmental Site Assessments
- Soil boring and monitor well installation including direct-push technology
- Soil and groundwater sampling
- Soil gas monitoring
- Interpretation of local geology and hydrogeology
- Determining direction of groundwater flow
- Determining extent of soil and/or groundwater contamination, if present
- Interacting with appropriate regulatory agencies and personnel
- Conclusions and recommendations presented in a written, comprehensive report

Remediation Services
- Soil vapor extraction / air sparging
- Bioventing / Biosparging
- Air sparging
- Bioremediation Ex-situ bioreactor treatment
- Catalytic oxidation treatment
- Activated carbon treatment
- Pneumatic total fluid recovery
- Surface encapsulation
- High and low temperature thermal processing
- Solidification / Stabilization
- Ion Exchange
- Clarification
- Air stripping
- Chemical injection
- Source removal: sludge, sediment & soil excavation
- Product recovery
- Critical Path Scheduling
- Budget / Financial Management
- Subcontractor Procurement / Management
- Prepare bids, work plans and submittals
- Develop and review health & safety plans
- Conduct field audits
- Oversee design and construction
- Coordinate waste transport and disposal
- Systems operation, maintenance & reporting
- Troubleshooting and repair services
- System evaluation, upgrade, & modifications
- System decommissioning and dismantling

Landfill Operations
- Landfill Operations
- Leachate Control
- Closure/Post-Closure Plans
- Phased Development Plans
- Financial Analysis.
Petroleum Services
- Underground and above ground tank removal and installation
- Tank/Line upgrades
- Closure reporting
- Monitoring Systems
Wolf Consulting, Inc. 107-A Dunbar Avenue Oldsmar, Florida 34677 Phone: (813) 854-5474 Toll Free: 888-689-WOLF(9653) Fax: (813) 854-4499 Email: info@WolfConsultingUSA.com Offering quality service since 1987 |